Saturday, January 31, 2009
Winner of the Sweetheart Apron from Carolyn's Kitchen
But on to the important matter of the morning: The winner of the Sweetheart apron from Carolyn's Kitchen is Donna at Donna's World. Lucky lady! Now we want to see a photo in your new apron in a few weeks. And maybe a nice Valentine's Day story...
TAG ladies check in on Monday for the next giveaway from Tayga!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Evil That Lurks in YOUR Kitchen
Did you know that an evil scourge exists in your kitchen.
YES your kitchen.
The answer is simple my friends. Use your microwave oven to ZAP the critters every morning. Place your dampened sponge in the microwave and cook it for 1 minute. No more, no less. It's really that easy. The water molecules within the sponge boil and the hot steam that escapes as a vapor fries the bacteria. Or at least that is what I have been told and it totally makes sense. I think the bacterial themselves explode too. Their cells walls likely rupture with the boiling of their cytoplasm.
But I digress with trivial scientific jargon... (I just love saying that).
I usually toss my sponges in the trash every 7 to 10 days anyway, but the bacteria get annihilated through daily radiation. And if you happened to notice the pink earplug resting above the microwave, I use them so I don't have to hear the millions of tiny screams from within the death chamber...ha, ha just kidding.
So go microwave your sponge right now. And don't forget to wear your apron...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jewelstreet-Winner of the Floral Apron from The Paper Passion
My philosophy for TAG is that everybody is welcome and should feel like they can be a Goddess. All women who take care of their kids and families deserve to feel special and great inside. I hope that winners of the apron giveaways all feel a glow when they get their aprons and when they wear them.
Jewelstreet offers modern, classic jewelery which can be seen at Etsy by clicking HERE.
I think Jewel looks fabulous and should feel awesome in her apron. How about you?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Apron Goddess: JiggetyJigg's Jenni in a Carolyn's Kitchen Creation
Today's Apron Goddess for the day is renound Jiggety Jigg blogger Jenni. She has a screamingly popular blog and I am happy she wanted to be shown here too in her fancy apron.
Jenni's blog Jiggety Jigg covers everything from Gobstopper addiction to a great interpretation of Honest Scrap! With a tag line of, "You want minutia and nonsense? You've come to the right spot!" you can follow Jenni on twitter and join the ranks of her followers which boast over 200 these days!!! Damn she's good. My favorite apron post of Jenni's is Mission Monday: Baking with Santa where I first saw her sporting her Carolyn's Kitchen apron! And she shows us how HOT Santa looks in an apron too. So please go and visit her right after you check out the giveaway!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What is this???
Almost daily, I have been anxiously looking down the road for the sight of the large brown UPS truck that frequents our neighborhood, and I wonder when, when, when is my package going to arrive!
Hmmmm.....I am trying to decide if I look like a cotton candy cow at a camouflage circus or a Holstein who drank a gallon of Pepto Bismol. Well regardless I am liking it!
With this totally fun and silly apron I must admit to feeling a little like a goof ball. Finally, lets give some props to my 4 year old son Wyatt who snapped this picture for me. And yes, I wear white mens sock if you were checking...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hot Momma! It's a Valentine's Give Away from Carolyn's Kitchen

Using 1940's inspired patterns with a modern flair, Carolyn has brought back the glamour, sexiness, and cuteness of a bygone innocent era. Besides bringing adorable vintage style aprons into the 21st century, Carolyn's gloves and fabrics are new and nicer which meets the needs of space age homemakers.
Carolyn says, "I let my imagination run, and originated the embodiment of that 40's girl in the apron and gloves, living in our ultra modern age." There are a selection of sexy figure flattering aprons at Carolyn's Kitchen that you must check out and see for your self. Simple but essential polka dots, sassy stripes, American themes, and cutie pie cupcake patterns can be found and all made in America.
And, to enter this contest for the RED apron click over to Carolyn's Kitchen and come back and make a comment about your favorite.
For five additional entries in the drawing post about this TAG giveaway on your blog.
To earn ten bonus entries in the drawing send me a photo of you in an apron and a few lines about your TAG philosophy.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Winner of the Pink Damask Apron from Gift an Apron is...
The Halton Mom! Congratulations and Woo Hoo!
You will look great in this one. And you're the envy of many ladies, since this giveaway was the most popular one yet. TAG looks forward to seeing you show off your cooking in your pink damask apron from Gift an Apron.
Thanks to all who signed up. If you are looking to buy an apron please consider our sponsors. They make this fun possible.
Parting Note: TAG ladies please come back Monday for a hot Valentine's giveaway from Carolyn's Kitchen!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Freaky Friday Turkey Burgers
TGIF to all the TAG ladies out there in blog land!!!
Last night I made one of our favorite's. It's the new and improved turkey burger that, "Tastes like sausage," according to my husband. He's a real meat and potatoes guy, so that fact he eats these without reservation speaks for itself. The kids also eat them with no fuss! We can't consume all the burgers this recipe makes, so I put them in the fridge and the kids snack on halves the next day.
First: Find your favorite apron and securely fasten to your body.
2 slices bread diced finely
You can also use box style bread crumbs, but I like the results with real bread best.
1-2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp basil
1 tsp parsley
1 tsp poultry seasoning
1/8 or less tsp ginger
few dashes pepper
Mix ingredients until well combined in large bowl. I use my hand to fully incorporate. Place in fridge for about an hour to chill. Skip this step if mix is cold enough to form patties. The mix may seem a little loose, but that will firm up during cooking.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Little Miss "Homegrown Housewife"
This little sweetie is wearing her Nana's apron! Kendra at The Homegrown Housewife (THH) is showing off her daughter wearing a handmade apron that has been passed down for three generations.
Kendra's blog banner includes a rooster crowing and a simple flower, two of my favorite things besides aprons. Her recipes make me drool every time I visit her site and I always leave hungry. NOT so good at 9:30 at night... THANKS K!!!
Then her "reason" for not sending in her photo was as follows, "Okay, so I'm a bashful how about a pic of my daughter Hannah, wearing my favorite apron? Its not the prettiest but it was my Nana's....the stains and the fraid edges are worth more than anything."
But I can see it's a very pretty apron with a floral print and a lacy hem! And it's paired nicely with the pink blouse. And since it is from Nana that makes it ever better. History and love live in that apron.
Kendra says, "Hannah's in the kitchen with me for just about everything I cook or bake. Her favorite thing to bake are pecan pies for her daddy and oatmeal chocolate chip for cooking...everything, especially chicken and dumplings! She will do anything to get her hands on the stand mixer or maybe she loves to eat as much as I do...thank gosh she doesn't have my metabolism. LOL."
Hurray for Hannah, one of the Jr. Apron Goddesses!
Be sure to check them out at The Homegrown Housewife.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
That was Then, This is Now
These men from antiquity are obviously hamming it up for the camera with their clean, white, frilly aprons. My guess would be these "good old boy's" never flipped a pancake in their entire lives.
on 7 May 05, 12.10PM PST
You can say what you will, or what I can't think of in the comments. I am begging you...
Monday, January 19, 2009
"Gift an Apron" Giveaway of a Pink Damask Apron

Rachel, owner of Gift an Apron, wants you to look sassy and fabulous in your practical aprons made for kitchen work. There are a selection of cotton and terry cloth aprons for both MEN and WOMEN at her store. Additionally, Rachel offers fancy hostess aprons made from satin and lace for more formal entertaining.

Enter the give away for the pink damask apron by first visiting Gift an Apron and return to TAG, commenting about your favorite!
For an additional 5 entries mention this giveaway on your blog referencing TAG.
For 10 bonus entries send a photo of yourself modeling your favorite apron!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The winner of the Cupcake Apron by Tinder Boutique
Areille has not one but two blogs: Lost in God and PrincessAJ. A busy young lady like this really needs an apron.
Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!
Have fun wearing your Cupcake apron made by the Tinder Boutique.
And as always, we are looking forward to seeing you your apron in a few weeks!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Important Members of My Cooking Staff
Fellow Apron Goddesses, I would like you to meet some invaluable members of my cooking staff. They appear dirty, are well used, and "magically" improve the nutritional values of my meals.
Who are these workers? Well you have guessed it. These staff are my cast iron grill which is a Lodge Logic Pro 20-by-10-7/16-Inch Cast-Iron Grill/Griddle
I cook pancakes, chicken, bacon, burgers, vegetables and basically anything that goes on the range with these two pans. Scientific studies examining the iron content of foods before and after cooking on cast iron has shown that the cooked foods impart a significant increase in iron content.
Many people have their personal grievances about cast iron. I think these arguments are only justified when in regard to their weight. Admittedly, these pans are heavy, but to a normal cook this should not be an impediment. Secondly, some cooks say they stick, but again this is only due to improper seasoning. When lightly oiled and heated to sizzling before use, nothing sticks to the cast iron surfaces. However, I turn the heat to low for most preparations after preheating.
The huge benefit of increased iron in a family diet without an increase in red meat outweighs any neg's for me. Additionally, I am scared of the Teflon surfaces which may not be safe. We get enough man made chemicals in our bodies already, so where ever I can eliminate the potentially harmful agents, I do.
Consider the cast iron. And as always, wear your apron while cookin.'
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My Latest Apron Purchase
My daughter Ella has been wearing a half apron somewhat like a Kimono for the past few days and then alternating it with an orange colored Home Depot work apron. This will just not do...
I recently found this mom and child set! This pattern is out of stock so I will be waiting patiently for them. I think they are really clean and fresh looking. When they arrive Ella and I will model them. Until then here is the picture on the lovely models from Tinkerbelle.

Warning: They have matching pot holders. I may just have to break down and buy those too! Thank goodness aprons are affordable!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Week 1 Apron Goddess-Melissa from ThistleDew Farm
Melissa from ThistleDew Farm, Week 1 giveaway winner, shows off her apron from Practically Necessary in her almost finished kitchen. She says, "Here's my picture - it's pretty funny as our house isn't done yet - and it was really cold so I'm wearing like three layers of clothes."
Melissa included this beautiful photo of her daughter. She said, "Here's also a picture of 'The Princess' modeling the fab hankie in the pocket of the apron. This apron was so nicely made I will definitely visit Practically Necessary for a purchase. (That is) once the house is done and I have a minute to think about me!"
And the final words from Melissa were, "Practically Necessary put this hankie in the pocket of the apron - wasn't that FAB! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!"
You too can be a winner, just sign up for the weekly drawings.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What was Then and This is Now.
This is what you or I could have been wearing approximately 82 years ago.

The motivation for this picture was...Oh, I don't know. Maybe they wanted to show off their cheerful attitude while wearing their aprons. Or maybe the smile police had their mean sticks raised behind the back of the camera man. They likely had no choice as it was part of their job. I am so glad to be alive today.
But anyhow, things are better now with freedom of expression. I found these unique and stylized aprons while combing the Internet. Quite the opposite of the aprons from above:

Now I am hungry. Where is the dip? I really need some dip.
Finally, no self respecting hunter could live without this ensemble:

Cheers to the diverse array of aprons and the people who wear them!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tinder Boutique's Cupcake Apron Giveaway
The aprons in the Tinder Boutique collection are a combination of flirty, fun, sassy and sophisticated. Owner, Jennifer's current collection includes a black and white hound's tooth with a floral trim around the bottom. I think it's awesomely cute. But then again I would wear anything from Tinder Boutique!
You can also find scarves, totes, nursing covers and tutu's at Tinder Boutique. So look around, you will like what you see.
For an additional five entries mention this give away on your blog site.
And if you want ten entries into the giveaway send me a photo of yourself in your apron and increase your chances to win.
It's all in a day's work for The Apron Goddesses out there!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Winner of the Floral Apron by The Paper Passion
It's down to business and the random number generator came up with the lucky number 2. That means Jewelstreet is the winner of the fabulous Floral Apron by The Paper Passion!
Congratulations Jewelstreet!!!!
Be sure to check in on Monday for the next apron give away by Tinder Boutique!!!
I would like to say THANK YOU to all you ladies who are visiting and joining in the giveaways! Also, if you are in the market for an apron, please be sure to visit our sponsors. Their generosity makes these give aways possible.
Finally, if you submit your apron picture you can have extra credit in upcoming giveaways and be the Apron Goddess for the day. Don't be shy! Send in your pictures and a few words about you to
Friday, January 9, 2009
Free For All Friday II
With the cold temperatures outside it has been soup weather even in sunny California. This meal costs next to nothing, is easy to prepare, and tastes great with sliced sourdough or French bread. Both my kids (ages 2 and 4) gobbled this up without parental bribery.
I use the uncured bacon since it does not contain nitrates or other unwholesome preservatives. Trader Joe's in California has this for a good price. The local grocery store costs a little more for the "natural" bacon. The bacon give this soup a great smoky taste without having to buy a ham hock or other larger piece of meat.
Bacon - $3.89
Carrots - $0.30
Onion - $0.65
Garlic - $0.15
Spices (?)
Loaf of Bread- 3.89
Approximate Total -$11.38
Feeds 5-7 people
1. Put on Apron
2. Wash split peas. Empty into large stock pot with 12 cups of water. Begin heating on high.
3. Cut bacon into one inch chunks or smaller. Batch cook in a large skillet or on a pancake griddle. Cook until just crispy, drain fat, then blot dry with paper towel. Add to soup pot.
4. Slice carrots into thin rounds and dump into pot.
5. Dice onion and add into pot.
6. Mince garlic or use a press and place in the pot.
7. Add 1-3 teaspoons salt, basically salt to taste.
8. Season with: 1 tsp. basil, 1 tsp parsley, 1 tsp sage, pepper to taste. (This can be more of each spice depending on personal preferences.)
8. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low, simmering until peas break down. Stir occasionally. Add more water if the soup becomes too thick.
Enjoy with any fresh bread preparation. I like to tear off big chunks and dip them in the soup. The kids like to garnish with goldfish!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Apron Book
The Apron Book is wonderful to look at with it's many color photographs of aprons. It features new and vintage apron styles so you can catch up on your American apron history. Also, included in this book are stories and pictures from other "Apron Goddesses."
If you have any skills in sewing you will be able to use at least one of the patterns found within the pages of this book. There are four patterns provided, including detailed and illustrated sewing instructions with variations for each seamstresses depending upon personal abilities.
I am admittedly not so great with sewing but am ready to tackle one of these myself now. My mom gave me her antique sewing machine who's age is older than mine. But armed with the motivation from looking at all the gorgeous aprons I will attempt to sew for real too!

A Final Note:
EllynAnne also is the creator of Tie One On Day. Chase’s Calendar of Events recognizes this day annually on the fourth Wednesday of November in celebration of the humble apron and the spirit of women of earlier generations who have worn it. On the eve of Thanksgiving, EllynAnne encourages us to wrap a loaf of bread in an apron and tuck a prayer or note of encouragement in the pocket before delivering the bread to someone in need of spiritual or physical sustenance.
I think this is a small token of kindness that we all can find a way carry out in the following year, especially in these rough economic times.
You can order The Apron Book from EllynAnne Geisel's web site at Apron Memories.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Your TAG Hostess and Housecleaning
So, I am extremely flattered that the new Apron Goddess at Thistledew Farm has nominated "The Apron Goddesses" for a Weblog Award. I was frankly stunned. And for a "Best Fashion Weblog." This for the work of a woman who wears jeans almost every day of the year... So I am requesting that if you like this site, you go and nominate me in!! Please vote for this Blog HERE. It appears the voting ends on the 12th. Hint, hint.
I know you are looking at this site too. I have my spies. Maybe some participation would be appropriate about now. Seriously. You can win something for that lovely woman in your life. Would she be thrilled? YES. Really, get some testicular fortitude and make a comment.
Also, I am totally liking the half apron with this wide waste band, it holds in my stomach nicely. So after eating barbecue I could masquerade as a skinny person. Well, off to find my square dancin' partner. Yee Haw!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pregnant Apron Goddess
Colleen the pregnant Apron Goddess is posing in her cherry print apron by Jessie Steele. As only her little skinny legs are protruding from the bottom of her apron, one could hardly tell she was pregnant from this angle. See, aprons are great camouflage aren't they? I am still amazed she consented to be a goddess for the day, since when I was pregnant any camera in a five mile radius of me was subject to no uncertain confiscation.
I love the color coordinated cookware to match the red trim on her apron! She's a thinkin' woman that is for sure. It is rumored that Colleen's husband also has an apron. I am optimistic that persuasion being the art of a woman will prevail, and there will be a forthcoming picture of a man in an apron on this site for a touch of balance.
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Paper Passion Apron Give Away
This apron combines lovely bright flowers in a pretty silhouette with a slight ruffled bottom for figure flattering curves. Rosa, owner of The Paper Passion, hand sews her aprons and fully lines them for extra quality. Her collection is colorful, whimsical and girly. With a mixture of prints and flowers there is something for everyone among Rosa's selection of half and full aprons. Aprons from The Paper Passion are shapely and feminine to bring out the Apron Goddesses in all women! The Floral Apron below is a full apron constructed with ric- rac trim through-out and retails for $25.00.

If you want to be included for this floral apron visit THE PAPER PASSION and then leave a comment after this post.
For five extra entries into the drawing, mention the The Apron Goddesses and this giveaway in your next post. (Just mention this once in the comments for your credit, thanks!!)
You can receive ten bonus entries into the apron drawing by submitting your own Apron Goddess photo to be featured on a future post here. When you are the Apron Goddess for the day I will back post to your blog (if you have one).
Closing for this drawing is January 9. So be sure to leave a comment and you will be included for the gorgeous Floral Apron pictured above!!!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Winner of the Caroline Apron from Practically Necessary
The winner of the Caroline apron from Practically Necessary is ThistleDew Farm!!!
As winner of this apron I hope you will send a picture of you wearing it like an Apron Goddess.
Look fabulous, enjoy and keep clean in the kitchen while wearing your apron.
Check back on Monday for the next drawing of an apron from the Paper Passion.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Free For All Friday
This vintage catalog page shows some aprons out of our American history.

The History of Aprons
I don't think our kids know what an apron is.
The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.
It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.
And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms.
Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.
Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.
In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner
It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that "old-time apron" that served so many purposes.
Author Unknown
While surfin' the web I found this poem on two other sites: The Dust Will Wait and at Baba's Farm Life
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Apron Goddess Bakes Until 3AM
To enter TAG's drawing for the Caroline apron by Practically Necessary CLICK HERE.
This apron wearing lady dedicated an evening to baking for the men at her husbands company who are hard working truckers. My own husband runs a trucking company and I know that the long hours they put in merit the splendid baking that KJ did for them. When not baking KJ works at home and is mom of a lovely little girl. She also finds time to post her thoughts on her blog site: The Phrase "Working Mother" is Redundant.
Affected by to many cookies, KJ is wearing a gorgeous plaid and floral print with a lacy neckline. The tie at the waist gently accentuates her curves! Woo hoo! The subtle contradiction in her insanity through baking and her quiet floral ensemble is a testament that using the oven past 12 at night should be used with caution.