Monday, January 26, 2009

Hot Momma! It's a Valentine's Give Away from Carolyn's Kitchen

Happy Monday to all TAG ladies everywhere. What apron are you going to wear today??

I am thrilled to offer THIS little RED "Sweetheart Apron" for Valentine's Day. This apron giveaway closes on Friday the 30th so you can get it in time for the holiday. This sexy little number is obviously from Carolyn's Kitchen where totally hot aprons abound. I am thinking this red apron is like a little black dress, something that could be standard in any woman's wardrobe.

Carolyn West's vintage-inspired aprons and dish gloves enhance the merriment of playing whimsical dress-up combined with the indulgent delights of naughty pin-ups. This range of appeal makes Carolyn's designs perfect for gifts for all occasions.

Using 1940's inspired patterns with a modern flair, Carolyn has brought back the glamour, sexiness, and cuteness of a bygone innocent era. Besides bringing adorable vintage style aprons into the 21st century, Carolyn's gloves and fabrics are new and nicer which meets the needs of space age homemakers.

Carolyn says, "I let my imagination run, and originated the embodiment of that 40's girl in the apron and gloves, living in our ultra modern age." There are a selection of sexy figure flattering aprons at Carolyn's Kitchen that you must check out and see for your self. Simple but essential polka dots, sassy stripes, American themes, and cutie pie cupcake patterns can be found and all made in America.

And, to enter this contest for the RED apron click over to Carolyn's Kitchen and come back and make a comment about your favorite.

For five additional entries in the drawing post about this TAG giveaway on your blog.

To earn ten bonus entries in the drawing send me a photo of you in an apron and a few lines about your TAG philosophy.

258 Goddesses Have Spoken:

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DiPaola Momma said...

Hey look who is the first comment.. BIG suprize eh? I so HEART her stuff.. I've even cheated on you and entered for one at annother site, don't hate me:-(

Isn't the Dorthy just too cute? Who'd of thought that an apron could be so sexy! Well you, but that doesn't count, you being a Goddess and all.. he he.. Happy monday and count me in on this one!

Kendra said...

I love the sweetheart red...but they are all wonderful!

Suzi said...

I like the Vixen! Happy Monday!

jewelstreet said...

Seriously, how cute would I be in that?! lol.

It's too hard to pick favorites from Carolyn! I love all of them. The vixen is super cute and so is the Marilyn then there is always the lollipop one.

I think you have started an apron obsession with me!

Lindsey said...

I really love the Sweetheart and the Cupcake aprons....great giveaway! I REALLY hope I win!

Lindsey said...

Blogged about it! http://thepraseworkingmotherisredundant.blogspot.com/2009/01/omg-i-really-want-to-win-this.html

Lindsey said...

Blogged about it entry #2


Lindsey said...

Blogged about it entry #3


Lindsey said...

Entry #4


Lindsey said...

Entry #5


Dina said...

I love the Dorothy Apron!

Aisha said...

It's hard to choose which one but I would like the Sweetheart Red Apron.

Anonymous said...

I like the Dorothy apron.

mindy said...

i like the vixen thanks for the giveaway

Suburban prep said...

I like the Cupid apron. I like it because it mixes two different patterns together.

Sherry and Gena said...

MIne Mine alllllll MINEEEEEEE bwahhhhhhhhhahahaha...no everytime I see one of these aprons I just go a little crazy because I want one so bad...and yes I want the red sweetheart apron from CArolyn's kitchen..actually i love the black and white and the lemon colored but red would so match my kitchen!!!


Sherry and Gena said...

okay so now i am ready to kill for this apron...just kiddin so dont call the cops...anyways here is a link to my blog where I am promoting it!!


Sherry and Gena said...

Just sent you an apron photo in your email!!!
May the apron God be with me!!

Anonymous said...

i love aprons and the Dancer Apron is one i've wanted for awhile :)

lsfish said...

WOW! I like the sweetheart hot pink but think I'll wear clothes under it! hah!

Tara said...

I love the cupcake apron.. these are sooo cool

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! very retro and adorable. I love the Vixen, Dorothy, and Sweetheart aprons. Love em'!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Michelle said...

I've been dying for one of Carolyn's aprons! I like the Dorothy in pink.
michelle, mpelosi@partners.org

Tinderdesigns said...

Im liking the sweetheart in red because it would really match my kitchen...but then again the aqua is soooo pretty. Geesh I would love anything off this site.

Courtney said...

I like the Dorothy Apron in Aqua.

Anonymous said...

I also love the Dorothy Apron in lime.

Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

i like the dorothy daughter i believe its called and i like the americana

Lisa P@www.isitmondayalready.com said...

I like the cupcakes one! Great giveaway!

Megan said...

i love the dorothy apron in lime

QuixoticallyChaotic said...

I adore the sweetheart in baby pink :-)

maggieparke at verizon dot net

I'm headed over to my blog to let my readers know about your current giveaway!

andyb said...

i can't decide between the cupcake and the vixen! hard descision!

Anonymous said...

I love the cupcake one! What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing with all of us! I hope I win!

Cheryl said...

I love the Dorothy Stiped Lime.

Carolyn G said...

I adore the DOrothy in Lime and the Cupcake apron.

Unknown said...

I love the breast cancer pink apron. Thanks for entering me! unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I love the yellow sweetheart apron. So sweet! Thanks for the entry!

Bunny B said...

The Dorothy Apron Pink has always been my fave!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

Blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/01/goodies_26.html
bunnybx at gmail . com

Natalie said...

I love the Dorothy Apron Aqua, the combo of stripes and polka dots isso fun!

scblog at hotmail dot com

janetfaye said...

I like Dorothy Apron Aqua.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Alyce said...

I like the Vixen aprong the best.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Angel said...

i love the vixen!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I love the red Sweetheart apron! carolyns Kitchen has some of the best aprons - so cute & flirty!

Unknown said...

The pretty pink Dorothy breast cancer awareness apron caught my attention. I seriously need to find a new apron because mine says burnt to perfection. Shouldn't I find something a little more exciting for my husband to catch a glimpse at? fun.mom.cheratgmaildotcom

,,,, said...

Oh wow she has some really gorgeous aprons!!! my favorite is definitely the Dorothy Apron in Red! I love it!



Anonymous said...

The Vixen is HOT! I love it! I really love it

karissag at gmail.com

Re said...

i love the vixen apron!! I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I love the mom/daughter cupcake aprons!

Shawnee said...

I love how creative their aprons are. I really like the Marilyn Apron/Bandeau, Red & Black, and the matching gloves!!

Sherri James said...

I love them all but especially the Sweetheart in Black! Blessings, Sherri

sherjames87 at hotmail dot com

Kebi Cedawna said...

I really like the Dorothy Apron in Breast Cancer Pink. I love to cook and would love to have one of these aprons. thanks for the chance to win one!

Lisa said...

O, the sweetheart red...way cute!
count me in please, and if you get a chance please drop by my site. I have a giveaway also...:)


Anonymous said...

Love the red sweetheart, but they are all just gorgeous.



Unknown said...

Love the vintage Lucy daughter apron.

Cheryl888 said...

I like the Dorothy Apron Breast Cancer Pink Apron.

Anonymous said...

Omg the red apron is sooooo cute...


Unknown said...

I love the cupid apron!

Angela C said...

I love the Dorthy aqua apron.Thanks for the giveaway:)
angelacisco at rocketmail.com

yomomma said...

I love the vixen . thanks for the giveaway.

sabrita said...

Love all of your designs-if I must choose it would be the Dorothy Apron in Aqua. Thank You!


Amber said...

I love the Dorothy apron in breast cancer pink.

divaqueenie said...

I love the Cupcake Apron...so cute!

Stacy said...

My favorite is the vixen apron.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

Those are all so cute! I like the Black Sweatheart one the best...but the cupcake one is cute too!

Unknown said...

I really like the Dorothy in red! thanks

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

malleycc said...

I love the cupcake apron. So pretty.

suzie said...

I really like the Marilyn.
Thanks so much for the contest.
susan dot lockhart at gmail dot com

ladydi115 said...

I like the vixen and the sweetheart aprons. all very nice. thanks!

Qtpies7 said...

I like the cupcake apron. I couldn't imagine wearing that red one with so little underneath, since I have 4 boys, but I bet the hubby would like it.

CaseyDeuce said...

These are great! I love the dorothy apron in orange too!!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I love the Dorothy aprons. Darling. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Rosalynn said...

They have such cute stuff! I love the Dorothy apron in aqua.
Thanks for the chance to win!
rhbdesigns at hotmail dot com

Stop by my blog for a giveaway too!

Lisa said...

I like the Cupcake Apron in aqua....too cute!

ACraftyKnitter said...

The Dorothy Apron is gorgeous. I love it! I'm also a fan of the cupcake apron.



Kristina said...

Oh, the cupcake aprob is adorable!

gmpklp @ bellsouth . net

simply_unique said...

how cute!! I love the Dorothy pink apron.

Kacey said...

I have been dying to get my hands on cute aprons like these!!! I would love to win one!! My favorite was the dorothy apron (the halter top one) They are sooo cute!

Stephanie said...

Oh cute the DOROTHY apron!! I don't have an apron. I am so in need!

Unknown said...

I like the Cupcake Apron, Aqua. These are such cute aprons.

Kimberly said...

I love the Vixen apron, gorgeous!

okbarbie5 said...

They are sooo adorable!!! I especially loved the Dorothy Apron Yellow. Thanks

Aisha said...

I blogged this giveaway: http://www.theholleyherald.com/2009/01/apron-giveaway.html

Aisha said...

I blogged this giveaway: http://www.theholleyherald.com/2009/01/apron-giveaway.html

Aisha said...

I blogged this giveaway: http://www.theholleyherald.com/2009/01/apron-giveaway.html

Aisha said...

I blogged this giveaway: http://www.theholleyherald.com/2009/01/apron-giveaway.html

Aisha said...

I blogged this giveaway: http://www.theholleyherald.com/2009/01/apron-giveaway.html

Anonymous said...

I like the cupcake apron.


Twyla said...

The Dorothy aprons are fab. I love that they have garters!

AG'smoma said...

Oh, I love these aprons! I'm just starting to do lots of homemade since my daughter was recently diagnosed with a dairy allergy. Anyway, my favorite one is the Dorothy Apron in lime!

AG'smoma said...

Oh, I love these aprons! I'm just starting to do lots of homemade since my daughter was recently diagnosed with a dairy allergy. Anyway, my favorite one is the Dorothy Apron in lime!

Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

I love the dancer apron! Thanks!

Lolly Shrope said...

I love the sweetheart black apron!

Miranda Ward said...

breast cancer pink

SunnySusan said...

I would have to say the Cupid has my heart...and I just love the Americana one too....blessings

Michelle said...

I've been wanting one of these for a while. The Cupcake Apron is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I love the Cupcake apron...so cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I blogged about your contest! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That dotted red apron is my favorite of all times, but i also like the pink bow cupcake gloves, so cute! :)

karmajnke said...

I am an apron freak. I have been coveting the American apron. It is so cute, I just want to make cupcakes and have some sparklers in it.

na said...

I like the vixen apron!

Anonymous said...

Love the Dorothy Apron Lime!
pckrfan [at] gmail.com

Julie said...

Dorothy Apron in Red is my favorite. Who knew you could be sexy in a apron:0)LOL


Andrea Hatfield said...

I really like the cupcake apron. Thanks for the chance =)

Maude Lynn said...

My favorite is the Sweetheart in Pink!

Michelle said...

Great giveaway. I like the Dorothy apron in pink! They are all so cute.

Lori M said...

I love the red and white sweetheart the best. Very cute.

Shirley said...

I like the half apron....Dancer. All of the aprons are cute but I am a plus size and I don't think they would fit me.....that is why I chose a half apron.

Suzanne said...

I REALLY like the Marilyn Apron/Bandeau Red & Black! VERY cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love the Dorothy Daughter Apron Red but it is OOS.

Erin Lowmaster said...

I like the Dorothy Apron red. These are really cute!

Brn2lisn said...

I really like the Breast Cancer Pink Dorothy apron - I think it sends a great message too.

brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com

Starla said...

Hot smokes, these are super sexy! I love the Marilyn apron! Hot dang! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

its.a.hit at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to own a Sweetheart Hot Pink Apron! Thanks for the chance

Susan said...

Ooohlala! Love these...I like the Marilyn one!

snkjohnson at gmail dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I love these, they are so cute! I like the Dorothy Apron Lime!!

Barbara Bee said...

I've been coveting that Dorothy Lime for a long time now!

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

An iMperfect wIfe said...

I really like the red aprons so if I had to choose another I'd get the sweetheart apron from her site.

Very pretty!


Anonymous said...

they are all super cute I like the Cupcake aprons.

Neen said...

I love her Vixen apron, berfect for a foxy momma like me.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I have always loved the Pink breast cancer apron!

So nice!!


"Deal"icious Mom said...

I really like the cupcake one. Thanks for the giveaway.

demmi said...

I love the cupid one con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I really like the Vixen apron, but they are all fabulous!!

engelsigh said...

I like the dorothy apron in aqua.

Lisa said...

I like the sweatheart black apron!

Krista said...

I like the hot pink or aqua ones!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Kaitlin said...

The Dorothy Aprons are just amazing. I like the Red one because it's su perfectly retro.


Jinxy and Me said...

I love the Dorothy Apron in Pink

Staci A said...

These aprons are so adorable! I love the Dorthy apron in aqua. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Dorothy Apron Pink. Thanks.
-Terra H.

Anonymous said...

I like the Marilyn apron...so sexy!

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Dorothy Red.

AudreyO said...

Cupcake Apron Pink. These are really cute.

mom2boys said...

I love the Dorothy apron in aqua. Very cute aprons! Thanks for the chance!


Chris and Don said...

I like the Marilyn Apron/Bandeau
Aqua & Black.

Anonymous said...

I love the red sweetheart but also the dorothy aprons! Would make fun in the kitchen

Barbara said...

First let me say I love your logo! The best apron I think is the Dancer Apron. FUN

Sena said...

I love the Dorothy Apron Pink.

Sena said...

1 - I have you blogged at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/lovely-sweets.html

Sena said...

2 - I have you blogged at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/lovely-sweets.html

Sena said...

3 - I have you blogged at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/lovely-sweets.html

Sena said...

4 - I have you blogged at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/lovely-sweets.html

Sena said...

5 - I have you blogged at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2009/01/lovely-sweets.html

ikkinlala said...

May Canadians enter? I love the red Dorothy apron.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Angelina in Louisiana said...

The dorothy apron in aqua is so cute.

::Sylvia:: said...

Love, love the cupcake apron! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Lady Christie said...

I love the vixen apron


Anonymous said...

I love all of them! They are outrageous!

My favorite is the vixen...


Abby said...

They are so cute! I love the Dorthy Apron in Aqua. This would be a lot of fun to win. Thanks for the chance!

Sweetpeas said...

The vixen is my favorite!

Joanna J. said...

I love, love, love the pink cupcake apron! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

SharonAnne said...

Love, love, love these! I covet them all, but would choose the Red Dorothy apron. Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway! sharonanne56[at]yahoo[dot]com

Unknown said...

The sweetheart red one is the best!

Gretel said...

How can you pick just one? I really liked the Lollipop Daughter Apron

meddlingkidd said...

I like the Americana by I think the Sweetheart one is my favorite!

meddlingkidd [at] aol.com

ABCD Diaries said...

the sweetheart is my favorite, but i also like the dorothy thanks!


Jingle said...

My favorite is the Dorothy Apron in Red!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

ailad said...

They're all cute, but I love the Vixen and the Dorothy aprons!

Angie(quillysilly) said...

I love all of Carolyn's aprons, but today I am really loving the Aqua Cupcake one!

Michelle said...

I like the vixen apron!!

pierce said...

These are all too cute and sassy! Wonderful idea... If I had to choose one I'd go with the cupcake apron. Gracias!

Anonymous said...

I love the Dorothy Apron.
jendrost @ att.net

A Reader said...

I like the Marilyn Apron and bandea.
Thanks for the giveaway!


Earthtokarmen said...

I can see myself twirling around the kitchen in the dancer apron!


Anonymous said...

I like the hot pink sweetheart apron.


valerie2350 said...

i like the dorothy in breast cancer pink

noreen said...

Cupcake Apron Pink is so sweet and they now have it in pink

Unknown said...

I think the red polka-dot heart one is my favorite and I think I would wear it just like the model. I've been wanting one of these aprons. Thanks for the chance to win.

daphne10171 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Funny that my word verification word is OVEN. Is that some clue that I'm going to win? Hope so.

Trish said...

Nothing but cuteness on that site! I think the Dorothy Apron in yellow is my favorite besides the one up for grabs. :)


Anonymous said...

I love the Dorothy apron in Lime.

Alli said...

I love the Sweetheart Black Apron!
ariella at blight dot com

A family of boys said...

i just love the cupcake apron! so very sweet. I'm sure my hubby would like some of the others better though. :)

Amy said...

I really like the cupcake apron, too cute! I like the retro styling of it best.

Colengal said...

Love the Americana! great idea.

Anonymous said...

The Vixon is sexy. :) Love these aprons. :) Thanks for the chance to win! :)


wildflower00 said...

I love the Dorothy apron is red. They are all sexy yet functional though
Thank you for being part of the Bloggy giveaway. We all appreciate it.

Sonya said...

I love the Dorothy apron in lime!

Hetal said...

my choice is Americana.thanks

Anonymous said...

These are such cute aprons! I really need one of these :)

I also love the Dorothy Red Apron :)


carolpie said...

The vixen is real cute!

Lindsey said...

Oh my, I love the how retro these aprons are. They would go so well in my kitchen!

I *love* the Dorothy in Red.

Courtney said...

I am liking the cupcake one :)

Anonymous said...

Cupcake Apron Pink



I really like the vixen one.Thanks for the giveaway!!


World's Greatest Mommy said...

The orange Dorothy apron is my favorite. Her aprons are all gorgeous!

AmeliaB said...

Love the pink polka dot apron! So sweet!


Unknown said...

I like the Sweetheart in Hot Pink or the Dorothy in Red.

Katie said...

I love the Dorothy apron. So adorable and cute.
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Ginny said...

Love the yellow sweetheart apron

Anonymous said...

Oooo, a sweetheart apron just in time for Valentine's Day. I hope I win.

Jodi said...

I love the Dorothy Apron in green, and this sweetheart in black, tooo cute.


37 Questions said...

I just love the Dorothy apron in red! Thanks for a super giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

Ticopi said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dorothy Apron in orange!

Amber Tezel said...

Dorothy would be my favorite!!! In orange

zeitersouth said...

Love the Americana apron!

colesammom @ gmail dot com

Katrina said...

I love the dorothy apron in lime! So cute! I would love to win this, thanks!

Karen Coutu said...

The Dorothy Apron in red is my favorite!


Karen Coutu said...

I blogged about this giveaway here . . .


(Entry 1)


P.S. I could not find an end date. If you can let me know what it is, I can add it to my post.

Karen Coutu said...

I blogged about this giveaway here . . .


(Entry 2)


Karen Coutu said...

I blogged about this giveaway here . . .


(Entry 3)


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