Friday, May 15, 2009

Free For All Friday - Can you say Pumpkin?

Since Julia is out of town on business, I get to honor you Apron Addicts with my presence,again. We are going to call today a "Free for all Friday," and I am going to give you a recipe that my boys love, love, love.

Today's recipe is for Pumpkin Cupcakes.
By the way, this is where you are supposed to say, "Ohhhhhh," with your eyebrows all raised up.

Yes, I go through the painstaking and time consuming process of canning my own pumpkins fresh from my garden, so you won't see any store bought cans of pumpkin in my house. For us the process of making said cupcakes begins now with a seed in the ground and we wait patiently until we are able to harvest them for canning. Okay enough of that, lets get right to the recipe.

Here are the ingredients for you to visualize:

From The Kitchen Of: Suzi the Baking Queen

2 cups all purpose flour
1 ½ cups sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground cloves
4 beaten eggs
1-16 ounce can pumpkin
1 cup cooking oil

Instructions: Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, soda, salt, and cloves. Stir in eggs, pumpkin, and cooking oil till thoroughly combined. Line cupcake tin with baking cups and fill 2/3 of the way. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or till a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Frost with cream cheese frosting. Makes approximately 24 cupcakes.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Cream Cheese Frosting

2-3 ounce packages cream cheese
½ cup softened margarine or butter
2 tsp. vanilla
4 ½ to 4 ¾ cup sifted powdered sugar

Instructions: In bowl beat together cream cheese, margarine or butter, and vanilla till light and fluffy. Gradually add 2 cups powdered sugar, beating well. Gradually beat in enough remaining powder to make frosting spread consistency.

6 Goddesses Have Spoken:

Carrie said... 1

I was so excited when I got this recipe in my package. I can't wait to try it.
I freeze pumpkin. Have you ever done that? It works out good.

Sara said... 2

That looks good!

theUngourmet said... 3

Suzi, these look yummy! Home canned pumpkin is 300 times better than that store bought stuff!

I love the way you frosted them too. Very Cute!!

Ryan Ashley Scott said... 4

I'll admit to buying canned pumpkin, but the fresh sugar pumpkin puree is SOOO much better! I was amazed. We love our pumpkin around here - and I can't wait to try this recipe out. I'll probably try it with half whole wheat flour - hopefully it will still be just as good. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 5

sounds way too good to not try. But I'm sure they won't be the same without fresh canned pumpkin! Send some my way!

Grand Pooba said... 6

Great cupcakes Suzi!! I'm going to go tie one on right now. Who cares if I'm at work?