Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Anyone up for a Good Cup of Joe with your Apron?

I don't know about you, but there are some days when a good cup of joe makes my day. I know tea is the new coffee, but I am having a hard time with the transition. I'm still working on it.

My biggest problem is that I don't just drink coffee, I like the blended drinks. My fave? Mocha. I like how the chocolate masks over the coffee. I am not a "true" coffee drinker. If I were smart I would just fix myself a nice tall glass of chocolate milk because that does it for me too.

By the way, have you ever noticed how the baristas all wear aprons?

8 Goddesses Have Spoken:

Unknown said... 1

Suzi - you sound just like me. Straight coffee, no way. Add some (okay lots) of cream and chocolate, and I love it! : )

Carrie said... 2

I love coffee. Something about it just relaxes me. I drink it in the a.m. for breakfast and on the weekends when we are watching a late night movie. The smell of it brewing or when it has just been ground is so wonderful to me. I love espresso too but I usually drink a cup of joe with a little cream and sugar. Thats about it.

theUngourmet said... 3

I have tried to drink tea instead of coffee. I just can't do it!

I have been trying to save my pennies so I rarely go out to get a coffee drink but yesterday I decided I was going to treat myself to a latte. I like them just plain with extra foamy goodness. I discovered after I left Starbucks that I didn't get what I ordered. I got a vanilla latte that tasted like burned paper. Such a let down! ;0(

Sassy Chica said... 4

I love coffee, especially with VanillaCarmel Creamer, sometimes I wonder if I am hooked on the coffee or the creamer!

I also love aprons....

Sassy Chica

Grand Pooba said... 5

Great observation! I too love the blended coffee drinks, especially a mocha. We've got a local coffe place here that makes what they call a Copper Freeze and it's to die for! It's a blend of chocolate, caramel, irish cream, and espresso.

Ok, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

Vanessa said... 6

Wouldnt it be great if when you went to the local coffee shoppe.. and the baristas were wearing fun aprons! Ones with cupcakes, flowers etc. ha ha! I would so love that. I LOVE my coffee...I did make the switch to tea.. but some days.. I make up a nice cup of espresso when I have a craving for coffee :)

Julia said... 7

Every time I go somewhere at which they wear aprons I think, "Why cant they wear some colorful or fun aprons" too. It's always the plain black, brown or maroon!! :(

DiPaola Momma said... 8

I just love the smell so darn much! It's there just something about that heavenly aroma that gets you all in a get-rid-of-the-kids-and-curl-up-with-a-book mood? Me, I've got to have the caffiene though. It's either that or invasion of the Zombie Mommie.