My biggest problem is that I don't just drink coffee, I like the blended drinks. My fave? Mocha. I like how the chocolate masks over the coffee. I am not a "true" coffee drinker. If I were smart I would just fix myself a nice tall glass of chocolate milk because that does it for me too.
By the way, have you ever noticed how the baristas all wear aprons?
8 Goddesses Have Spoken:
Suzi - you sound just like me. Straight coffee, no way. Add some (okay lots) of cream and chocolate, and I love it! : )
I love coffee. Something about it just relaxes me. I drink it in the a.m. for breakfast and on the weekends when we are watching a late night movie. The smell of it brewing or when it has just been ground is so wonderful to me. I love espresso too but I usually drink a cup of joe with a little cream and sugar. Thats about it.
I have tried to drink tea instead of coffee. I just can't do it!
I have been trying to save my pennies so I rarely go out to get a coffee drink but yesterday I decided I was going to treat myself to a latte. I like them just plain with extra foamy goodness. I discovered after I left Starbucks that I didn't get what I ordered. I got a vanilla latte that tasted like burned paper. Such a let down! ;0(
I love coffee, especially with VanillaCarmel Creamer, sometimes I wonder if I am hooked on the coffee or the creamer!
I also love aprons....
Sassy Chica
Great observation! I too love the blended coffee drinks, especially a mocha. We've got a local coffe place here that makes what they call a Copper Freeze and it's to die for! It's a blend of chocolate, caramel, irish cream, and espresso.
Ok, I'm getting excited just thinking about it!
Wouldnt it be great if when you went to the local coffee shoppe.. and the baristas were wearing fun aprons! Ones with cupcakes, flowers etc. ha ha! I would so love that. I LOVE my coffee...I did make the switch to tea.. but some days.. I make up a nice cup of espresso when I have a craving for coffee :)
Every time I go somewhere at which they wear aprons I think, "Why cant they wear some colorful or fun aprons" too. It's always the plain black, brown or maroon!! :(
I just love the smell so darn much! It's there just something about that heavenly aroma that gets you all in a get-rid-of-the-kids-and-curl-up-with-a-book mood? Me, I've got to have the caffiene though. It's either that or invasion of the Zombie Mommie.
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