Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gas Mask, Gloves, Tongs, and an Apron Please!

Bwahaha, this picture make me laugh and brings back a hilarious memory for me. Those of you who are moms will totally understand.

When Jeff and I had our fist baby I was the one who did for the kid. I did it all! I fed him, I dressed him, I bathed him, and yes I even changed his diapers. I got up in the middle of the night to do said tasks. I believe the first time Jeff changed a diaper it ruined him. We were in the hospital and I was walking up and down the halls (as prescribed by the doctor) and Jeff was forced to change Luke's diaper. IT. RUINED. HIM. He had no idea what he was doing and before he knew it there was urine and poo ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE. I had a good laugh when I got back to my room. He handled it, cleaned up the kid, bassinet, wall, floor....you get the picture. From that day forward it was a struggle to get him to change a diaper. When he did change a diaper this is how I envisioned him for all the noise he made while doing it. So ladies train your man early!

6 Goddesses Have Spoken:

Carrie said...

That is so hilarious! Great caption of it too.

Sara said...

Too funny!!! Jon did really really good with the diapers when they were little and I was breastfeeding. Then they got bigger and eating the stinky foods, and diaper changing became my main doody.

Grand Pooba said...

Good idea! Next time I'm babysitting a niece or nephew, Albert is totally in charge of the diaper changing!

Miss Dot said...

AHAHA!! Noted.

theUngourmet said...

I couldn't agree more! :)

San-Dee said...

When my sister-in-law had to change a "dirty" diaper on the youngest sib, she would wear swimming nose plugs. I will send this link to her to make her laugh!