Apron Goddesses, it has been slow here lately. Of this I am painfully aware. However, we've an awesome giveaway this week from Dirty Dishtowels LLC.
I. Love. Their. Store.
"What is this?" you say. . .
I said I love Dirty Dishtowels.
Every time I got to their site I leave smiling. These ladies make me laugh and remember to have fun again when I am sinking into the pits of apron despair.
The ladies at Dirty Dishtowels specialize in saucy sayings which are embroidered on their white dish towels and aprons. And they have a saying . . .
This half margarita apron to the right also is oh so cute in style. The ladies at DDLLC have "naughty aprons" like these to purchase. The extra swagger is in the embellishments with these aprons. You can custom order any of your favorite sayings from the dishtowel collection on to one of their aprons with pockets. Then it will be embroidered on the pocket for you to wear and enjoy.

Now it's time for the giveaway sponsored by DDLLC. You can choose either the pink and black polka dot half apron "Bitch" style or the half margarita apron, as shown above, for your canvas. Then you may pick your favorite embroidered embellishment to go on the pocket.
You will need to go and visit the Dirty Dishtowels LLC store and browse the selection. Come back here to TAG and make a comment about your favorite saying embroidered on the dishtowels. I.e. a saying that you would like on your apron if you win. That will give you one entry into the giveaway.
For five extra entries into the drawing create a blog post about this giveaway, leaving your permalink in your comment. Be sure to mention this in your entry.
And for 10 extra, bonus chances at winning send in a picture of you or a family member wearing an apron and a few words about you and your apron. Give me the dirt! Leave a comment that you are sending in a photograph too! (Contact is above) No headless apron wearers please!! We will write up your "apron-ography" in the weeks to come.
Giveaway closes on June 8, 2010.
Good Luck!!
32 Goddesses Have Spoken:
How cute!! I love the polka dot half apron and the Seniorita Margarita.
Adorable giveaway! My favorite saying is the Hottie Dishtowel. So cute.
Super fun.
Please enter me.
I LOVE the hot buns :)
That is SO funny! I love the "wanna piece" but "Halter Style B!t*h Apron" is my favorite.
I laughed out loud-at many of them and the dish towels-ha!
I added a link to my site--
(different link then the one I post comments with)
And I will be sending in an email soon with an apron picture soon!
I love the embroidered iron that says hottie by it! That is so cute! :)
srobinson8561 at student.bryan.edu
Oops, I forgot to tag! http://estore.websitepros.com/1990932/Detail.bok?no=14
I love these too! I love the black cup my cake apron! It's almost too cute to wear while cooking! ;)
Thanks so much for the awesome post! We're very excited to be a part of your apron giveaway. We hope everyone has a little fun checking out our site. ;) Like we always say, "If you want to keep your clothes clean and your apron dirty.... www.dirtydishtowels.com."
Love the "hot buns" one! omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com
I love the "Want to Fork?!" one!!! So cute!!
Cute! I love the "bitch" apron with the Senorita Margarita embroidered. Thanks!
I like this one:
Can i use the Mad Housewife Wine spokes model pics I already sent? I sent three.
You had me at margarita! Love the "Want a piece?"
Blogged here!
I'd love a Drunk Girl apron. Too funny!
I like this one- http://estore.websitepros.com/1990932/Detail.bok?no=37
samyrocks92 at msn dot com
LOVE the "Froggy Style"!
hahah I love it!! The "wanna piece" and "Halter Style B!t*h Apron" are my favorite.
Want my cherry? cupcake dishtowel. Sweet!
love it!
Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
love the one night stand!!those are so awsome!
LOL Turn my crank is my fave!!
Love your site, and the pancakes look divine:)
I just LOOOOVE the Hot Buns!! Cracks me up!!!
I love the Cup My Cake Halter Style Apron ~ I think my hubby would like to see me in a "spicier" apron too!
bamagv at aol dot com
I poop pink icecream... hahahahaha
yup, that is the one.
crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com
Love 'wanna piece' so adorable!
My favorite is the Want my cherry? cupcake design.
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I would want the she's a Bitch! in the polk-a-dot!
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